Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grey's Anatomy

A week and a half ago I went to Simi Valley to visit Emily and Cody. Emma and I did lots of shopping and walking and talking and such all weekend so on Saturday evening we decided that Sunday was going to be a lazy day. We need a new girly movie to watch so we made a Target run to find something fitting. We were looking through the TV shows when we came upon Grey's Anatomy. Neither of us had ever watched the show but the first season was only $10 and then we would have more than just the two hours of enjoyment that a normal movie could afford. We decided to give it a try. As we drove back to Emma's house we joked that we were going to get addicted to Grey's and end up waisting a lot of money buying all of the available seasons.

We began watching the first season immediately and were instantly intrigued. We finished the first season the next morning and realized that we really were addicted. I returned to school that evening and the following day Emma and I both went out and purchases the second season. Now, less than two weeks later, I have finished the third season. We know ourselves so well.

Here are some of the many reasons I like Grey's Anatomy... It is somewhat real to life in that these people are certainly not perfect. In fact most of them are pretty stinking screwed up. Some of them are selfish and conceited. They don't always get along and they don't always make the right choices. The actors don't always look perfect and it is not just when they are upset but when they are just working. Their hair and clothes and makeup are not always modelesque which is very real to life because really, nobody always looks perfect. Most of the time I have no idea who to route for which is always fun. It seems like some of the people who do the most horrible things are actually better people then the ones who only do moderately stupid stuff.

The most wonderful thing about Grey's Anatomy (in my opinion) in Addison Montgomery. Addison didn't come in until the last episode of the first season but she won her way into my heart very quickly. She is a very complex character who has no real idea of what she wants or needs. She apparently became so popular among fans that they created a new show all about her called Private Practice. I have not watched it yet but I definitely will eventually. Addison is played by Kate Walsh who is beautiful and a fantastic actress. I love her.

In short, I love Grey's Anatomy. It is morally kind of yucky at times but I still really do love it.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Yee Addison! haha now I want to blog about her. What a hottie haha I think she is going in the running for my girl crush with kate Mara... Hmm maybe I should name my daughter Kate! They all turn out hot and cool haha Kate beckinsale, kate hudsen..